A Few of my Favorite Things : One Cookie Decorators Top 3 Favorite Tools

When you think cookie decorating tools, I’m sure your mind jumps straight to the obvious. Mixer, rolling pins, piping bags are probably the first few that come to mind. While every cookie decorator I’m sure uses some variation of those, every artist has their favorite tools to help them create their works of art. In the world of cookie decorating there are a lot of little tricks us “cookiers” have up our sleeves. I wanted to share with everyone my top 3 that I feel have elevated my cookie game.

A Projector.

I dare you to take a piece of paper and write the same word 100 times and have them all look identical. The slightest change in letter spacing, or the smallest difference curve on yuour “s” could change the way a whole word appears. What hap[pens when you get a large order all with writing on them. When you are making a large quantity of cookies with a catch phase or logo, the goal is for them to look uniform. I unfortunately don’t have the best penmanship. My handwriting can be compared to that of a 2 nd grade boy. I know this because I have one. Thankfully I have enough good qualities that my ugly handwriting has gotten a pass. Needles to say writing on cookies terrified me. I was embarrassed to take on orders where the main decoration was text. I am also a bit of a perfectionist so to have 100 cookies all looking like they have a mind of their own was not going to work. Purchasing my projector is without a doubt my most used tool. Aside from helping with uniform lettering, I can also use it for spacing for characters. You would be amazed at how easily an Elsa cookie could look like the hunchback of Notre dam if the eyes are too close to the nose and mouth ends up a bit to far to the left. I added a little visual to help prove my point (and entertainment) of a pre projector vs post projector cookie.

Edible Markers.

Next up on my list is my edible markers. There are a few instances where details are too intricate to be tackled by a piping bag. Whether it’s freckles or outlining an eye without it looking terrifying. A piping bag can only do so much. Sometimes you need a more delicate touch and the edible markers do just that. They help your certain designs by giving them a bit of definition and that extra “POP” they were lacking. In the similar category I must give an honorable mention to my edible pigment pallet. There are something that require some definition which can’t be achieved with a marker. Using colors from my pallet to shadow and highlight can give designs shape and dimension that will bring your cookies to a whole new level.

Last on my list doesn’t have much to do with design but has improved my confidence in quality which in my opinion is just as important.

Heat Sealer.

I always Always want to give the freshest possible product to my clients and their guests. I plan my baking and decorating just right to ensure every order is delivered as fresh as possible. Once the cookies are out of my hands it is out of my control. Sometimes my orders are being gifted a couple days later or are traveling with the client to an event a week down the road. This is why all of my bagged cookies are heat sealed for freshness. After putting so much time and effort into my work, I decided that my cookies deserved this extra step. it allows for my cookies to maintain their quality for up to two weeks at room temperature.

I am confident this list will grow as I continue on the wonderful cookie journey, and I promise to update you along the way. If I find the holy grail of cookie tools you will be the first to know!


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